Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Scale victory

I would like to thank the scale...

First I would like to thank the scale for this (2.2 pound / 1KG)Scale Victory. The kind number it displayed was such a welcome gift. 
I must also thank personally my family for whom I no longer make dinner/ or eat with for going the extra mile to feed yourselves.
I would like to thank my friends at MFP for their encouragements, their willingness to also put their journeys out there, sharing their success and failures.
And I also would like to thank MYSELF for not eating everything in sight! For occasionally haveing a bit of self control, and most of all for not giving up. Despite new knee injuries and patient deaths and family issues. I am still here and I am still plugging away. Not perfect just doing the best I can.
I want to dedicate this victory to My MoM! she is also on a weight loss journey.. and is a very special women whom I love so much. Everyday I see myself becoming more like her. I get stronger, and more determined and more responsible. Love you Mom. 

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