Saturday, March 15, 2008

Blues and Boba

Its been a week ago now since my sister came to visit. I think she found out that she likes blues and Boba. I took her to two of my favorite STL landmarks. Blues City Deli and Bubble Tea. I think she had a good time. I know I always love live blues.... nothing says life like telling it how it is. and nothing says FUN and Weird like putting a tapioca type ball in your tea, icy, or juice like Bubble tea. I drove her around the city but it was too cold and she was just getting over a 2 week sickness to get out too much. But all in all it was a good day. I can't wait for next time.


Unknown said...

That looks like fun! Maybe one of these days you can come back out this way, and not be sick this time, and we'll take you to some of our favorite places.

Topper said...

Hey! she looks great! So glad she could visit you! Fellow blues girl too? -Knew I loved her. :)