Sunday, August 7, 2011


I am trying to lose weight....and so far 3 pounds down... not much but at least it is a start. I am planning to audition for the biggest loser. I need and want that kind of motivation. The hardest thing in the world for me is that I don't like to cook. in fact I hate it. I would rather eat cereal for every meal than cook. Having my neighbor girls around so much has been a bit more motivation to cook. but it is really hard when they want to eat things like baked beans and fried chicken. or Raman noodles with sausage and cheese. I made a really good almond crusted talapia last week. it was really good and everyone even Edgar liked it... but it was too much work. I am lazy in the kitchen. My mom made cooking look effortless. It seemed like she would go in the kitchen and a few mins. later out would come this great casserole with delicious vegetables on the side and whole made lemon-aid in a beautiful glass pitcher. I am pretty sure she worked harder than I ever noticed, because I can't ever seem to have the same results. and the food I make sometimes good and sometimes just plain terrible. So when I get off at 6:30 it is too often of to mcdonalds I go. How to break the cycle. what is super fast...low cal filling, low sodium, and pretty good eating? seriously any help would be appreciated.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I Love New Orleans. The music the food and the people who hold tight to traditions, land and they can cut loose every time they get a chance. New Orleans is sometimes pretentious, other times dark and haunted, but always with a spirit that despite many problems, is untroubled and free. New Orleans marches to the beat of many drummers. Just pick one and enjoy the ride!

Here are some pictures from our trip This past May. We took Edgars son Christopher and 2 of his friends as a graduation/going into the army present.

Oak ally Plantation

Fishing in the gulf of mexico near bay St. would not believe the damage the BP oil spill caused. I got in the water and walked through several globs of oil. Tar balls everywhere! gross. No sea birds, and the fish all seemed to have problems. So Sad!!!

Sun set over Lake Pontchartrain. Beautiful!
Willie Mays good southern food.
Alligators on the swamp tour! pretty neat.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

St. Baldricks...

Raising money to support cancer research!!! this is my cousin's little girl Whitney (she shaved her head with me) on stage after she got her head shaved... she raised lots of $$$ What an awsome girl...
First picture:
Whitney Before then...Brenda Getting it all shaved off next...Brenda Before and at last...
Brenda After.....

Its not to late to donate!!! go to St. type in my name and donate away!!! I want to see fewer kids die from cancer... I saw several of former patients families at the event... and lots of other staff members shaveing!!! it was cool and It will grow back. Its only hair.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

I don't know

Well March 5th is coming upon us and I just don't know what I am going to think when Brenda gets her hair cut off. I'm cool with it and all but it is going to be hard not seeing her with her hair. I have asked her to let it grow back long this time. I want to see her with pigtails like she wore when we went to Colorado Springs. I just love the run my fingers through and pull it from time to time!!! Just kidding. Well time will tell and I know that she wants to do it so I support it. I want her to be happy in all she does. She is a wonderful woman and i love her.
